Sunday, May 16, 2010

Robert Murray M'Cheyne: The Making of a Man of God by Rev John J Murray

Rev. John J. Murray of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) gave a lecture on Robert Murray M’Cheyne at the 2006 Family Conference of the Presbytery of the United States. Rev. Murray, author of; Behind a Frowning Providence; Robert Murray M'Cheyne: The Making of a Man of God; and 'The Reformation 1560: The Greatest Year in Scotland's History', ministered to congregations in Oban and Edinburgh, Scotland, until his retirement in 2002. He is presently an assistant editor of The Banner of Truth Magazine.

Being present at Rev. Murray’s lecture on Robert Murray M’Cheyne was an unforgettable and blessed experience! As members of the Atlanta congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), our lives have been enriched through our brothers in Christ who have kindly and sacrificially traversed the Atlantic to bless us with their preaching and fellowship at our annual family conferences. Rev. Murray vividly and compellingly brought M’Cheyne to life for us, kindling an interest in M’Cheyne, and a desire to learn more of this wonderful man of God and his life.

Rev. Murray originally lectured on Robert Murray M’Cheyne at Welsh Chapel, London, as part of the Evangelical Library Lectures in 1993. Quoting from Rev. Murray’s lecture, entitled Robert Murray M’Cheyne, The Making of a Man of God,

"He was a man of God whose desire was to walk humbly with his God in utter dependence on the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. This was worked out in the down-to-earth context of visiting among the poor, preaching the Gospel, pleading the cause of Church extension, contending for the Headship of Christ in His Church, praying for revival and maintaining a widespread interest in missionary endeavor."

One of the enduring gifts many generations have enjoyed from the loving ministry of Robert Murray M’Cheyne is his Daily Bible Reading Schedule. The Lord has led me at times to read each of the four portions of Scripture that are listed on the daily schedule, in my personal Bible reading. Reading four or more chapters of Scripture per day, over time, has proven to be a great source of spiritual encouragement. From Rev. Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s own words, written from St. Peter's, Dundee, on 30th December, 1842:

"Above all, use the Word as a lamp to your feet and a light to your path — your guide in perplexity — your armor in temptation — your food in times of faintness. Hear the constant cry of the great Intercessor, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."